
One Stop Shop (OSS)

One Stop Shop (OSS)

Manchmal kann es wirklich schwer sein, sich im Steuerdschungel zurechtzufinden. Der Gesetzgeber versucht daher ständig, es den Menschen und Unternehmern leichter zu machen.

Our journey through containerization #2

Our journey through containerization #2

The last few months were very busy for us at MuK IT. We acquired some big customers and developed a lot of cool stuff for our clients and our own infrastructure.

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It’s been a while since my last blog post but sadly I didn’t have much time to write the last few months.

How we deploy

How we deploy

As a software company we are obsessed with automating our own processes to get things done faster.

Our journey through containerization #1

Our journey through containerization #1

As a young start up we had to learn a lot about deployment strategies and running services in the cloud.
